Badanie, monitorowanie i ocena wyników rozwoju, która ma na celu wspieranie różnych krajowych i lokalnych organów rządowych w opracowywaniu i wdrażaniu polityki rolnictwa i rozwoju obszarów wiejskich (ARD) na Ukrainie; opracowywanie zaleceń i projektów aktów prawnych dla różnych organów rządowych (ministerstw i departamentów branżowych); transformacja instytucjonalna w celu wdrożenia skutecznej polityki ARD, zalecenia dotyczące poprawy struktury zarządzania rozwojem obszarów wiejskich. Analiza i wdrażanie możliwości stosowania najlepszych międzynarodowych praktyk w zakresie ARD u podstaw;
Członek korespondent Narodowej Akademii Nauk Ukrainy (sektor ekonomiki rolnictwa)
2000 - 2003, Ukraiński Instytut Gospodarki Rolnej UAAS, Kijów, Ukraina, doktor ekonomii. Praca doktorska "Kapitał ludzki w agrarnym sektorze gospodarki na Ukrainie"
1982 -1987, Ukraiński Instytut Gospodarki Rolnej UAAS, Kijów, Ukraina, Doktor nauk ekonomicznych. Praca doktorska "Badania funkcji zarządzania w agrarnym kompleksie przemysłowym"
1976 -1981, Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Żytomierzu, Ukraina, dyplom ekonomisty-organizatora w rolnictwie
Staże naukowe
2008 - 2009, The Institute of International Education, Washington, DC & The College of Agricultural and Life Sciences of the Wisconsin Madison University, USA. Certyfikat stypendysty Fulbrighta
1996 -1997, The Economic Development Institute (EDI) of the World Bank. The Programme on agricultural investment projects analysis for CIS. Certyfikat EDI Banku Światowego Trener Programu Analizy Wiejskich Projektów Inwestycyjnych
Kierownik wydziału ekonomii i polityki przekształceń agrarnych, Instytut Prognoz Ekonomicznych Narodowej Akademii Nauk Ukrainy. Lata pracy w Instytucie - 2004
Aktualne projekty badawcze
- 2023-2026 - "Substantiation and measures for implementation of a human rights-based integrated approach to rural development, food security and land policy in post-war rebuilding of Ukraine". Polska Akademia Nauk oraz Narodowa Akademia Nauk Stanów Zjednoczonych
Ostatnio zrealizowane projekty
- Redefining the project «Prospects of sustainable development for rural areas» due to war and extending the project, since March 2022 - February 2023. Donor: German Federal Foreign Office and DRA .Project Manager
- Extending the project «Prospects of sustainable development for rural areas» (after successfully completing the pilot initiatives), 2021- February 2022. Donor: German Federal Foreign Office and DRA. Project Manager
- Project "Agroecology Performance Evaluation in Ukraine", 2021-2022. Donor: Schola Campesina Aps. Project Manager
- Project "Development of the concept of inclusive rural development of Kherson region - New Ukrainian village-2030 ", 2020. Donor: the Kherson Regional State Administration. Project Manager
- Project "Perspectives for sustainable rural development in Russia and Ukraine", May-October 2020. The Project support by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Agency for Diaconia and Development - "Bread for Peace". Project Manager.
- SKL International project, "Support for decentralization in Ukraine" & Association of Amalgamated Territorial Communities, 2019. Project Expert.
- Project "Public Monitoring of Institutional Support of the World Bank Program in Ukraine - Accelerating Private Investment in Agriculture", 2019- May 2020. Donor: GLOBAL GREENGRANTS FUND, USA. Project Manager.
- Project "Public Monitoring of Institutional Support of the World Bank Program in Ukraine - Accelerating Private Investment in Agriculture", 2019- May 2020
- Project "Support for land struggle in Ukraine", 2019- March 2020. Donor: NEW VENTURE FUND, USA. Project Manager.
Wybrane monografie
- Spatial justice in land use and sustainable rural development. In 2 volumes. [Monograph]:
- Vol. 2. Guaranteeing the basic rights of peasants and spatial justice in a liberalizing land market in Ukraine. [Monograph], Borodina, O. (Ed.) (2022). Kyiv National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Institute for Economics and Forecasting. 345 Pages (in Ukrainian) Available at: in progress.
- Vol. 1. Justice in access to land resources and benefits of using them in rural areas. [Monograph], Borodina, O. (Ed.) (2021). Kyiv. National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Institute for Economics and Forecasting. 225 Pages (in Ukrainian). Available at:
- Borodina, O.M., Prokopa. I.V., Rykovska, O.V., Yaroviy, V.D., Fraier, O.V. et al. (2020). Land Relations in Ukraine: Social, Economic and Political Overview. [Monograph], Kyiv: Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS Ukraine, 102 p. (in Ukrainian).
- Borodina O., Yarovyi V. Land Concentration or Land Grabbing: Multidimensional Issues Challenging Ukrainian Agrarian Sector / Monograph Land Use Changes: Management and Applications (USA, Nova Science Publishers). 2020. URL:
- Borodina, O. (Ed.) (2018). The Implementation of European Basics of Rural Development in Ukraine. (in Ukr.).Monograph, Kyiv, IEF NASU, 300.
- Borodina, O. (Ed.). (2008). State Support of the Agrosphere: Evolution, Challenges. (in Ukr.). Monograph, Kyiv, IEF NASU, 264.
- Borodina, O. (Ed.). (2006). Agrarian Sector of Ukraine Towards European Integration. (in Ukr.). Monograph, Uzhhorod, ІВА. 496.
- Borodina, O. (Ed.). (2003). Human Capital in Rural Areas: Scientific Basics, Situation, Development Perspectives. (in Ukr.). Monograph, Kyiv, IEF NASU, 274.
- Spatial justice in land use and sustainable rural development. In 2 volumes. [Monograph]:
Wybrane artykułuy naukowe
- Protection of peasants' land rights in Ukraine based on UN standards. Brochure edited by O. Borodina / IEP NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv - 2022, 26p. (in Ukrainian).
- Borodina Olena. Egalitarian and market land reforms in the context of basic human rights and public welfare - Economy and forecasting. 2021. №1. РР. 44-62
- O.Borodina O.Mikhailenkjo, O.Fraier. Land use and spatial justice in Latin American countries: lessons for Ukraine. - Economy and forecasting. 2021. №1. РР. 87-102
- Borodina O.M. Rural proofing: the European policy and guidelines for Ukraine. - Ekonomika APK. 2020. № 2. PP.8-20
- Borodina, O.M., Yaroviy, V.D., Mykhailenko, O.V., Fraier, O.V. (2020). The New European Reality in Land Tenure and Use. Kyiv: Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS Ukraine, Brochure, 55 p. (in Ukrainian).
- O. M. Borodina, Y. Ermoliev, T. Ermolieva and other. Mathematical modeling of agricultural crop diversification in Ukraine: scientific approaches and empirical results / Cybernetics and Systems Analysis. 2020. Vol. 56. №2. PP. 213-222. URL: ArticleDetailsUA.html
- Kyryzyuk S., Krupin V., Borodina O., Was A. Crop Residue Removal: Assessment of Future Bioenergy Generation Potential and Agro-Environmental Limitations Based on a Case Study of Ukraine. Energies, MDPI . 2020. 13(20). 5343. URL:
- Borodina Olena. Аn extraordinary look at modern transformations of land relations in the light of the agrarian history of Ukraine. -Economy of Ukraine. 2020. №6. PP.96-98
- Borodina Olena, Prokopa Ihor. Inclusive rural development: a scientific discourse.- Economy and forecasting. 2019. №1. РР. 70-85
- Borodina Olena, Prokopa Ihor. The future of Ukraine's rural sector - from extractive use to inclusive development. -Economy of Ukraine.2018. №11. PP.104-121
- Borodina Olena, Kyryziuk S., Prokopa Ihor. Farming potential of households: methodical approaches to evaluation and development. -Economy and forecasting. 2018. №4. PP. 106-115
- Borodina, O., Krupin, V. Is it Possible to Utilise the Agricultural Potential of Ukraine under the Current Agrarian System?/ EuroChoices / The Agricultural Economics Society and the European Association of Agricultural Economists. 2017. Volume 15. Issue 3. PP. 46-51. URL: https://
- Ermolieva, T.Y., Ermoliev, Y.M., Havlík, P., Borodina, O.M. and other. Dynamic Merge of the Global and Local Models for Sustainable Land Use Planning with Regard for Global Projections from GLOBIOM and Local Technical - Economic Feasibility and Resource Restrictions. - Cybernetics and Systems Analysis. 2017. №53 (2). PP. 16-30. URL:
- Keyzer, M.A., Merbis, M.D., Borodina, O.M., and other. Unlocking Ukraine's production potential. The Eurasian Wheat Belt and Food Security: Global and Regional Aspects. - Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 - Editors Sergio Gomez y Paloma, Sebastien Mary, and other. PP. 141-154. URL:
- Borodina Olena. CAP of EU as the dynamical union of sectoral needs and social interests. - Economy of Ukraine. 2016. №11. PP.58-70
- Borodina Olena, Ermoliev Yuri, Ermolieva Tatiana, and other. Modeling local land uses under the global climate change. - Economy and forecasting. 2016. №1. PP. 117-128
- Borodina Olena. Scientific basis and applied aspects of the agricultural and rural reconstructive development in Ukraine.- Economy and forecasting. 2016. №4. PP. 70-80
- Olena Borodina. Business model of attracting farming households to value chain: case studies in Ukraine. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 2015.
- Olena Borodina. Challenges and priorities for involvement of private sector in agri-food chain development of the BSEC region. Black Sea Economic Cooperation Business Council and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 2014. 35 p.
- Borodina, O., Kyryzyuk, S., Lopatynska, A. (2014). Some Approaches to the Modelling of Agriculture Vulnerability to Climate Changes. Integrated Management, Security, and Robustness. In A. Zahorodniy, Yu. Ermoliev, V. Bogdanov (Ed.), Kyiv, PH "Akademperiodyka", 85-94.
- Borodina, O., Kyryzyuk, S., Lopatynska, A. (2013). On the Evaluation of the Global Climate Change Effects on the Agrarian Sector. Complex Modelling of the Management of Safe Use of Food, Water, and Energy Resources towards Sustainable Social, Economic, and Ecological Development. In A. Zahorodniy, Yu. Ermoliev (Ed.), Kyiv, PH "Akademperiodyka", 64-75.
- Olena Borodina. Processor driven integration of small-scale farmers into value chains in Ukraine. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 2013. 45 p.
- O.M. Borodina, V. Heyets, and other. Farming and rural development in Ukraine: making dualisation work. JRC Scientific and Policy Report. - Luxembourg: publications office of the european unio. 2013 (2012 р.). 58 p.
- O.M. Borodina, Borodina O.S., Ermolieva T. and other. Sustainable agriculture food security and socio-economic risks in Ukraine. Managing Safety of Heterogeneous Systems: Decisions Under Uncertainties and Risks. - Springer-Verlag Berlin Heiderberg. 2012. PP. 169-187.
- O.M. Borodina. Food security and socio-economic risks of agricultural production intensification in Ukraine: A model-based policy decision support. Volume of papers presented at IIASA/GAMM Workshop on Coping with Uncertainty: Managing Safety of Heterogeneous Systems //Berlin, Springerbooks. 2010
- O.M. Borodina. Transformation results in the agrarian sector and the formation of a new agrarian policy. Eurointegration challenges in Hungarian - Ukrainian economic relations / Edited by G.Foti and Z.Ludvig/ - Budapest: Institute for World Economics of HAS 2005. PР.168-193
Autoryzowany przedstawiciel Narodowej Akademii Nauk Ukrainy w Grupie Roboczej ds. Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich ustanowionej zgodnie z rozporządzeniem Ministerstwa Rozwoju Gospodarki, Handlu i Rolnictwa Ukrainy z dnia 13 maja 2020 r;
Stały przedstawiciel ukraińskiej krajowej organizacji członkowskiej (NMO) w IIASA (od 2020 r.);
- Członek grupy roboczej Rady Najwyższej Ukrainy ds. wsparcia gospodarstw rodzinnych (2016-2018);
- Przewodniczący Rady Naukowej Sekcji Nauk Społecznych i Humanistycznych Narodowej Fundacji Badawczej Ukrainy, od 2018;
- Członek grupy ekspertów Administracji Państwowej Miasta Kijowa "Rozwój miasta i stosunki gruntowe", od 2019;
- Członek zarządu Związku Promocji Rozwoju Zielonej Turystyki Wiejskiej na Ukrainie (2016);
- Doradca deputowanego ukraińskiego parlamentu czwartej, piątej i szóstej kadencji (2002-2010);
- Członek rady redakcyjnej wiodących publikacji naukowych "Economics and Forecasting", "Economy of Ukraine", "Ukrainian Society";
- Członek rady redakcyjnej międzynarodowej publikacji naukowej "Studia Ekonomiczne i Regionalne" (Polska);