
Strona główna / Publikacje / Socio-economic development of rural areas in Poland

Andrzej Rosner, Monika Stanny

Socio-economic development of rural areas in Poland

Socio-economic development of rural areas in Poland

Wydawca: Fundacja Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Wsi Polskiej, Instytut Rozwoju Wsi i Rolnictwa PAN
Warszawa 2017
pages 166


DOI: 10.53098/9788394105068


Full publication (PDF file 40MB)

Table of contents
Preface   7
Introduction   9
Chapter 1. Goals and research assumptions of the MROW project   13
Chapter 2. Typology of rural areas   23
Chapter 3. Level of socio-economic development of rural areas   33
Chapter 4. The dynamics of socio-economic development of rural areas   39
Chapter 5. Characteristics of the dynamics and levels of socio-economic development components  45
5.1. Spatial accessibility of gminas  46
5.2. Deagrarization of local economy  48
5.3. Agricultural function characteristics  52
5.4. Characteristics of non-agricultural functions  54
5.5. Local public finance  57
5.6. Demographic issues  60
5.7. Local labor market balance  63
5.8. Issues in education  67
5.9. Social activity   69
5.10. Wealth and cohesion of local communities  72
5.11. Housing conditions  74
Chapter 6. Profiles of development dynamics – varying share of components in socio-economic development  79
Chapter 7. Summary of the study  85
Chapter 8. Closing remarks  87
Appendix A. List of empirical indicators used in the Rural Development Monitoring Stage 2 (MROW 2016) and their spatial distribution 95
Appendix B. Historical origins of spatial diversification of Polish rural areas   145
1. Historical divisions of the present territory of Poland   145
2. Present-day regional diversification and its historical roots   152
Bibliography    159
Index of tables, figures and appendices   163
