
Strona główna / Publikacje / To Give What Is Really Needed. Research Report

Sylwia Michalska, Dominika Zwęglińska-Gałecka, Maria Halamska



To Give What Is Really Needed
Research Report

Warsaw 2024, 156 p.

© Copyright by Instytut Rozwoju Wsi i Rolnictwa PAN, Warszawa 2024
© Copyright by Authors 2024

Publisher: Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development, Polish Academy of Sciences
Publishing Partner: Cogito Group Sp. z o. o.

ISBN 978-83-89900-79-1

DOI 10.53098/978-83-89900-79-1


Pełna publikacja do pobrania w wersji PDF (3 MB)


Original edition: Dać to, czego naprawdę potrzeba. Raport z badań (2024)


The publication was supported by the EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) (2014-2020)


The authors decided to study a very important but also difficult social problem – the negative consequences of ageing Polish society, focusing on long-term care in hospices. Elderly people more often need institutional help, because of singularization of senility and lack of family care. This group of rural inhabitants, ill, often with disabilities need special care. (...)
Elżbieta Psyk-Piotrowska
Dr hab., Professor emeritus, University of Łódź


Table of contents
Introduction: The Problem and the Proposed Solution  7
1. Social Innovations and Methods of Studying Them 13
1.1. Social Innovations: Between Theory and Practice  13
1.2. „To Give What Is Really Needed” Project: The Innovation Accordingto Various Research Approaches  15
1.3. The Innovation To Give What Is Really Needed as the Subject of Scientific Observation and Analysis  18
1.4. Research Methods and Techniques  21
1.5. Time of the Innovation’s Implementation: Pandemic, Refugee Crisis, State of Emergency, Russia’s Attack on Ukraine  26
2. Context for the Activity of the Institution Implementing the Innovation and the Control Institution  32
2.1. Demographic Context  32
2.2. Economic Context  35
2.3. Social Context  44
2.4. Health and Welfare Context  52
2.5. Summary  61
3. Setting Up an Interdisciplinary Team of Employees  62
3.1. Staff of the FHPE and NZOZ Nadzieja  62
3.1.1. Work Conditions at the Facilities  65
3.1.2. Job Descriptions at the Two Organisations 67
3.1.3. How the Work Affects the Physical and Mental Condition of Staff  71
3.2. Costs of In-Home Hospice Care (FHPE – NFZ): Estimate 81
3.2.1. Minimum costs of care determined on the basis of NFZ guidelines  81
3.2.2. Costs of Care, Taking into Account FHPE Wage Policy and Current Market Rates  87
3.2.3. FHPE Care and Social Welfare Homes  88
4. Building a Support Network of Local Institutions  91
4.1. Relationships Between the Institutions Before Innovation Implementation  91
4.2. Municipality Network Members’ Involvement During Innovation Implementation  97
4.3. The Support Network in the Opinion of Staff and Experts  110
4.4. Summary  113
5. Creating the Position of Dependent Care Coordinator (KOOZ)  114
5.1. Assumptions About the Role of the KOOZ Prior to Innovation Implementation  114
5.2. The KOOZ in the Innovation  117
5.2.1. Fulfilment of the KOOZ’s Duties  117
5.2.2. How the KOOZ Affected the Scope of Work of FHPE Staff  127
5.3. Instead of a Summary: Possibilities of Replicating the KOOZ Job Position   129
6. What Next for the Innovation?   131
6.1. Conclusions from the Study   131
6.2. Introducing the Tested Solutions into Policy-Making: End-of-Project Thoughts from the Participants, Experts and Researchers   134
Bibliography   142
Appendix   147
FHPE Staff Survey Tool   147
Questionnaire for the participants of the … municipality networking meeting   152
Needs Assess ment Questionnaire and Support Plan for Patients of the Prophet Elijah Hospice Foundation (FHPE) in Michałowo  154
